Our shoe clinic at Run 26 in Mill Creek will now be March 1st. If you happen to need shoes before then, Shelby is giving 15% off your purchases. Just let them know you are training with the BEADS team.
I'm excited about our Saturday practice on February 4th (Rod's birthday), it will be at the Woodland Park Zoo. www.zoo.org The zoo opens at 9:30am, let's meet at the "Zoo Store" around 9:40am. Admission to the zoo is $11.75. The plan will be to do a fast training walk around the zoo paths for 60 minutes and then go at a leisure pace enjoying all the animals. Afterwards, whoever would like to go have lunch at 74th Street Ale House is welcome.
Our efforts are adding up! With your commitments and donations, drum roll please . . . all your efforts so far have added up to about $5000! Hooray team! Isn't that AWESOME! All of you are making differences in the lives of others and your own!
To inspire you even more in your efforts below is a message from Debby Rooney the founder of BEADS for Education:
Educated girls have the opportunity to be the sole wife with a man of her choice, have far fewer children, improve the standard of living for her family, make a positive impact on the environment, attend college, select a career and become role models and leaders in their communities and hopefully, the country.
In 2011, the existing public high schools were required to accept 66% of their new student intake from underprivileged schools where the students frequently have had no books or teachers. We feel this will negatively impact the quality of the existing public high schools. Many of our best candidates did not receive admission to the better schools. This policy helped to determine our decision to build our own high school.
Tembea Secondary School will provide a quality education which is not available to the vast majority of high school students in Kenya. In addition to addressing the Kenyan curriculum, Temba will emphasize creative and critical thinking, reading and writing programs, environmental stewardship, value of community service, appreciation of all cultures and development of leadership attributes.
Tembea means to walk in Swahili . (pronounced Tem - bay’- ah). Our motto: walk with purpose to a successful life, as a member of the family, community and as future leaders of Kenya.
Hope you can make it for our upcoming Thursday practice. Soup bar opens at 6pm and meeting starts at 6:30pm. And don't forget to come get "wild" at the zoo practice.
Thank you everyone for your efforts, friendship, and inspiration as we work toward our fundraising and race goals! GO BEADS!!!!